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Join Us

You have more legal and moral reason to Join Mairo Women Foundation Ushafa. we have over the years established…

A Legacy Premised on Trust

“Trust forms the bases for social interactions”. You can trust us because empowering women is the life we’ve always dreamt of and we can make bold to say that; …WE ARE LIVING THE DREAM AND WALKING THE TALK. That is why we are so confident that you joining us can greatly speed up the progress of women liberation.


Guaranteed Results

Our impact on women is tangible, verifiable and with guaranteed results for success. You can track you contribution/work with us in real time.


We are duly incorporated and recognized organization within the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Our reputation, Affiliations and openness about our organizational operations stands us out of the pack, not downplaying our visible impact on women and communities thus far..